Noninivasive Ablation for Cardiac Arrhythmias
A New Noninvasive Treatment Based on Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI) was developed in Dr. Yoram Rudy’s laboratory. The treatment is offered at Washington University in St. Louis and at the Cleveland Clinic.
FDA clears CardioInsight noninvasive 3D mapping system (Links to an external site)
The CardioInsight ECGI system was cleared by the FDA. After 30 years of development and validation in Professor Yoram Rudy’s laboratory, he hopes to see ECGI in clinical use in hospitals, helping to treat cardiac patients.
Graduate Student Ramya Vijayakumar Successful Thesis Defense
Ramya Vijayakumar successfully defended her Ph.D. Dissertation on Tuesday, November 1, 2016.
How a Frankenstein Prototype Ended Up Being Worth $93M (Links to an external site)
While at Case Western Reserve University, Professor Yoram Rudy had the idea for a game-changing cardiac monitoring device–a vest filled with more than 200 sensors that could detect the heart’s electrical activity.
CBAC 10th Anniversary Symposium
On Friday, August 28, 2015, the Cardiac Bioelectricity & Arrhythmia Center (CBAC) – which the Yoram Rudy Lab is a part of – held a symposium celebrating its 10th anniversary. The symposium addressed basic research and clinical issues in the field of cardiac arrhythmias. Faculty included speakers from Washington University and guests from all around the world.
Graduate Student Junjie Zhang Successful Thesis Defense
Junjie Zhang (JJ) defended his PhD dissertation on Friday, August 21, 2015. We celebrated that evening in Hadas and Yoram Rudy’s home.
Graduate Student Ramya Vijayakumar First Author on Paper
A recent publication in the journal Circulation describes research conducted by Ramya Vijayakumar, a PhD student in the lab. Ramya used a novel noninvasive imaging modality – Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI) to study the arrhythmic substrate in the hearts of 25 patients.
Dr. Yoram Rudy Awarded $1.520M NIH Grant
Dr. Yoram Rudy was awarded a $1,520,000 four year grant (years 21-24 of the award) from the NIH – National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute for the project titled “Cardiac Excitation and Arrhythmias.”
Alumnus Jordi Heijman Receives the CARIM Dissertation Award
Jordi Heijman received the prestigious CARIM Dissertation Award 2011-2012 during the evening program of the CARIM symposium 2013 on October 30, 2013.
Rudy Lab at 2013 Heart Rhythm Society’s 34th Scientific Sessions
Members of the Rudy Lab participated in the Heart Rhythmn Society meeting in Denver, Colorado May 8-11. They included Graduate Student Ramya Vijayakumar, Clinical Fellow Phillip Cuculich, Dr. Jordi Heijman (alumnus) and Dr. Yoram Rudy