1. Running Simulations Important parameters for running simulations
tmax: length of simulation (ms)
BCL: basic cycle length (ms)
2. Classes This code is written in a loosely object oriented style, predominately as a way to organize functions, variable definitions and initializations. The following classes are defined:
  class HRDcelldata
    contains the set of dynamic variables that define the ‘state’ of an HRD cell at a given time.
  class HRDcell
    contains a set of functions that are used to update the HRDcelldata variables at a given timestep. calculates currents, fluxes and concentrations, writes data to a file
  class HRDcellparams
    contains constant-valued parameters that are used throughout the model
  class timer
    provides functions for determining the next time step and implementing stimulus protocols
  current and flux classes: Define currents and fluxes in the model. These classes require two functions
    constructor: initializes parameters required for calculating current or flux
    update: new current or flux is calculated, appropriate dynamic variables are updated
3. Sample Output steady state values:
    obtained by running a simulation without pacing for 2000 s, using a forward Euler method and a static time step dt = 0.005 ms. Resting values for state variables are in this text file.
  pacing results
    obtained by paced simulation for 2000 s, at the BCL of interest. Voltage, currents, fluxes and concentrations vs. time are included in the following text files: 500, 1000, 2000
    obtained by paced simulation for 2000s, at a range of BCLs. APD, maximum calcium and maximum camkactive were obtained for each BCL, and are included in this text file