Junjie Zhang (JJ) defended his PhD dissertation on Friday, August 21, 2015. We celebrated that evening in Hadas and Yoram Rudy’s home.
He is also first author on a paper entitled, “Cardiac Electrophysiologic Substrate Underlying the ECG Phenotype and Electrogram Abnormalities in Brugada Syndrome Patients” in the journal Circulation. Brugada Syndrome is hereditary and causes sudden death in men in their thirties. It is prevalent in south-east Asia and most common in Thailand. People with mutations that cause the Brugada syndrome die in their sleep, and often the first arrhythmic episode is fatal. Junjie’s work helps to understand the mechanisms that cause arrhythmias in these people.
Thesis Abstract | Curriculum Vitae | Full Paper
Congratulations Dr. Zhang!