Yoram Rudy delivered the Tawara Lecture “Cardiac Excitation and Arrhythmia in the Human Heart: Insights from Noninvasive ECG Imaging ( ECGI)” at the International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) in Kyoto, Japan, on July 30, 2009. From August 2 – 13, Professor Rudy presented a series of invited lectures in Taiwan at the following universities: National Taiwan University in Taipei, National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Providence University and National Chung Hsing Universities in Taichung. On August 2, 2009 a National Workshop celebrated the 18 year anniversary of the Luo-Rudy model of the cardiac cell. Below are some photos he took of his trips in Japan and Tawan.

Photographs taken by Dr. Rudy during the IUPS Conference in Kyoto, Japan, and during his visit of Universities in Taiwan

Photographs taken by Dr. Rudy during the IUPS Conference in Kyoto, Japan, and during his visit of Universities in Taiwan

Photographs taken by Dr. Rudy during the IUPS Conference in Kyoto, Japan, and during his visit of Universities in Taiwan

Photographs taken by Dr. Rudy during the IUPS Conference in Kyoto, Japan, and during his visit of Universities in Taiwan

Photographs taken by Dr. Rudy during the IUPS Conference in Kyoto, Japan, and during his visit of Universities in Taiwan

Photographs taken by Dr. Rudy during the IUPS Conference in Kyoto, Japan, and during his visit of Universities in Taiwan

Photographs taken by Dr. Rudy during the IUPS Conference in Kyoto, Japan, and during his visit of Universities in Taiwan